checkpoints: Cache Intermediate Results

There are usually some intermediate results when doing machine learning tasks. For example, the data after preprocessing. This module is useful for caching them on the disk, and skip re-calculation when is called afterwards.


The cache files will be stored in your ./.Lutil-checkpoint directory, if you want to clean the cache, just delete it. You might also want to add this directory to your .gitignore.

InlineCheckpoint, the Context Manager

InlineCheckpoint is a context manager. It caches the output produced within the with-statement. When the script is executed later with the same condition, the cache is retrieved thus avoiding re-computation.

It is fully compatible with the jupyter notebook, and is often useful when using it for machine learning.

class Lutil.checkpoints.InlineCheckpoint(*, watch, produce)
  • watch (list or tuple) – List of names of variables used to identify a computing context
  • produce (list or tuple) – List of names of variables whose values are generated within the with-statement

Basic Example

We have provided the simplest example in the welcome page, here is a more practical one.

Suppose you have such a .py file.

from Lutil.checkpoints import InlineCheckpoint

import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

np.random.seed(0)                   # If random seed is not set, data will change every time
data = np.random.randn(10000, 1000) # Simulate a large dataset
pca = PCA(20)                       # A typical scikit-learn transformer

with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["data", "pca"], produce=["data_t"]):
    data_t = pca.fit_transform(data)
    print("A thousand years later.")


Run the script, you will get:

A thousand years later.
(10000, 20)

Run this script again, the with-statement will be skipped. But the produce will be retrieved from cache, you will get:

(10000, 20)

Condition of Re-computation

If the variables or objects you watched have changed, for example, the data or the parameter for the scikit-learn transformer, code in the with-statement will be executed to retrieve the correct result.

For instance, if you replace pca = PCA(20) with pca = PCA(50) and run the script again, you will get:

A thousand years later.
(10000, 50)

The code in the with-statement is also monitored to detect whether the condition has changed.

For example, if you replace data_t = pca.fit_transform(data) with data_t = data The re-computation will be executed:

A thousand years later.
(10000, 1000)

Thus, please make sure that everything affecting the computation result is included in the watch.


If you are watching the transformation result of a scikit-learn transformer. Make sure to set the transformer’s random_state parameter if it has one. Otherwise it will vary each time, and be considered a different computation context. Thus the with-statement will not be skipped.

Format of Watch and Produce

Basically, the items in the watch/produce list shoule be valid variable names in Python.

The watch and produce can also be attributes of some object, using the . syntax.

This works:

class Foo: pass

f = Foo()
f.a = 1

with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["f.a"], produce=["f.b"]):
    f.b = f.a

However, the slice syntax is not yet supported. This will cause error:

d = {'a':1}

with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["d['a']"], produce=["d['b']"]):
    d['b'] = d['a']


Because of some limitation of python magic we used to skip the code block and load the cached data, InlineCheckpoint to produce variables is not supported within a function or method.

This will not work!

def func(a):
    with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["a"], produce=["b"]):
        b = a
    return b

However, producing attributes of an object works well:

def func(a):
    f = Foo()
    with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["a"], produce=["f.b"]):
        f.b = a
    return f.b

Nevertheless, checkpoint as a decorator is recommended for a function. Besides, if you use this, the return statement should not be included in the with-statement.

Watching a Complex Object

If the object you are watching has some attributes, which are neither basic data types nor pd.DataFrame/np.ndarray, a warning will be raised. It is not recommended to do so. Instead, explicitly watch those attributes which affects the computation, using the . syntax.

class Bar: pass
f = Foo() = Bar()

with InlineCheckpoint(watch=["f"], produce=["f.a"]):
    f.a = 1

will give you:

ComplexParamsIdentifyWarning: A complicated object is an attribute of <__main__.Foo object at 0x000001CE66E897B8>,
it may cause mistake when detecting whether there is checkpoint for this call.

checkpoint, the Decorator

checkpoint is a decorator which cache the return value of a function or method on the disk. When the function is called later with the same condition, retrieve the cached value and return, avoiding re-computation.

Parameters:ignore (list or tuple) – Optional, list of names of variables ignored when identifying a computing context

Basic Example

Suppose you have such a .py file:

from Lutil.checkpoints import checkpoint

def foo(a, b):
    print("Heavy computation.")
    return a + b

print(foo(1, 2))
print(foo(1, 2))

Run this script, you will get:

Heavy computation.

In the second call of foo, the computation is skipped, and the return value is retrieved from cache.

In machine learning tasks, the parameters are often pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray, checkpoint works well on them.

Condition of Re-computation

If the parameter of the function have changed, the function will be called again to retrieve the correct result.

In the previous example, add a new function call

print(foo(1, 3))

You will get:

Heavy computation.

If the code of the function have changed, re-computation takes place as well.

In the previous example, change the function definition from return a + b to return a - b, and call print(foo(1, 2)) again, you will get:

Heavy computation.


If some parameter of the decorated function is the transformation result of a scikit-learn transformer. Make sure to set the transformer’s random_state parameter if it has one. Otherwise it will vary each time, and be considered a different computation context. Thus the decorated function will not be skipped.

Force Recomputation

Sometimes you want to arbitrarily rerun a function and recompute the result, probably because some files you read inside the function is changed, which requires recompute but can not be identified by default. You can add __recompute__=True parameter to the function call to force recomputation.

print(foo(1, 2, __recompute__=True))
print(foo(1, 2, __recompute__=True))

You will get:

Heavy computation.
Heavy computation.

The second function call is forced to recompute.

Ignore Some Parameters

By default, checkpoint monitors all the parameters of the decorated function. However, the ignore parameter can be used if some of them are not contributing to the return value.

def bar(a, useless):
    return a + 1

print(bar(1, True))
print(bar(1, False))

Althought the value of useless have changed, there will be no re-computation. You will get:


Complex Object as a Parameter

If some parameters of the decorated function are neither basic data types nor pd.DataFrame/np.ndarray, a warning will be raised. It is not recommended to do so.

def func(foo):
    return foo

class Foo: pass
f = Foo() = Foo()


You will get:

ComplexParamsIdentifyWarning: A complicated object is an attribute of <__main__.Foo object at 0x00000224A1575358>,
it may cause mistake when detecting whether there is checkpoint for this call.

See Also

joblib.Memory is similar to our checkpoint decorator. It is more powerful, while ours is more concise.

However, joblib is not providing anything similar to our InlineCheckpoint, while this is often necessary in some jupyter notebook based solutions. This is also the motivation of this module.

Another important difference is that, if the code of the function changes, joblib.Memory only caches the result of the latest function version.

from joblib import Memory
memory = Memory("dir", verbose=0)

def f(x):
    return x


Run this, you get:


If you change print('Running.') to print('Running again.)', you will get:

Running again.

Now, if you change it back to print('Running'), it will not retrieve the result in the first run. Instead, the computation happens again:


However, if you are using our checkpoint.

from Lutil.checkpoints import checkpoint

def f(x):
    return x

Do the similar thing, and in the third run, the computation will be skipped. The result in the first run will be retrieved.